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Un véhicule autonome connecté, ce n’est pas seulement un robot à la place du conducteur : il ouvre de possibles changements d’usages, de nouveaux services, de nouvelles manières de penser et de vivre la mobilité.
Un projet de l'Institut pour la ville en mouvement-VEDECOM
Carles Llop
Mar 6, 2019
Une transformation des territoires
The mobile hyperplace as a possibility for radical transformation in the planning of territories of dispersal The city is not only the...
Yann Leriche
Feb 27, 2019
Une révolution de la mobilité ?
AVs announce a mobility revolution: they will be real living spaces on wheels Autonomous vehicles are slated to bring a revolution in...
Jean-Pierre Orfeuil
Feb 20, 2019
Remplacer le fixe par le mobile
Replacing the fixed by the mobile: the regular production of temporary densities Over the course of history, innovation has resulted from...
Feb 12, 2019
Merci à tous les participants !
Le forum d'échanges et de restitution "Hyperlieux mobiles : habiter le mouvement" qui s'est tenu la semaine dernière au MAIF Social club...
Feb 4, 2019
Hyperlieux mobiles et logistiques
This comic book (only available in French) on what could be the future of logistics in the eventuallity of the emergence of mobile...
IVM Latin America
Jan 30, 2019
La réinvention des trajineras au Mexique
This film documentary made by the Observatorio de Transporte y Movilidad Metropolitana of the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in...
Jan 25, 2019
Les activités mobiles vues par les experts
A collection of short interviews in which experts and members of the steering committee are sharing their point of view on mobile...
IVM Latin America
Jan 20, 2019
Classes mobiles et marchés en Colombie
The National University of Columbia (Bogota) and the Institute of Urban Studies produced a documentary on mobile classrooms and touring...
IVM Latin America
Jan 10, 2019
Micro-logistique à Buenos Aires
Our research team based in Buenos Aires produced a documentary on micro-urbanity and the new logistics. You can watch the documentary here.
Posts are written in French and English
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