- IVM China
Update: call for case studies in China
The Tongji University launched the competition "New mobile places, the challenge of connectivity for tomorrow’s hyperplaces" in the framework of "Mobile hyperplaces" action-research program.
The aim is to observe on-the-move connected activities as they are today, with all their diversity of situations and mobile objects. The investigation will include activities, objects, and adaptations of public policies or spaces. This competition is therefore expected to produce deliverables that can be disseminated and demonstrated, in the form of photos reportages, videos, sound recordings, computer graphics, guided tours, exhibition, publications, etc.
This call for application is directed at inter-disciplinary groups (sociology, urban planning, geography, ethnology, etc) of students led by a teacher or researcher. The first prize-winning team will be invited in Paris to present their further study during the Mobile Hyperplaces Forum on February 2019.